



联系电话:027-88385007     电子邮箱:Cecilia_cao@zuel.edu.cn


博士香港城市大学        语言学

硕士武汉大学           英语语言文学

本科:华中师范大学        英语语言文学











1.Cao, J. and A. C. Fang. 2009. Investigating Variations in Adjective Use across Different Text Categories. Journal of Research in Computing ScienceVol. 41. pp. 207-216.

2.Fang, A. C., J. Cao and N. Ide. 2009. A Corpus-Based Study of Latinate Words in Contemporary English. Texte et Corpus, No. 4: 43-54.

3.Fang, A. C. and J. Cao. 2010. Enhanced Genre Classification through Linguistically Fine-Grained POS Tags. In Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and ComputationPACLIC24, pp. 85-94. Sendai, Japan, 4-7 November 2010.

4.Fang, A. C. and J. Cao. 2010. A Corpus-Based Quantitative Survey of the Etymological Composition of Contemporary British English: The Case of Latin, Greek and French. Glottotheory, 3(1), pp. 49-64.

5.Fang, A.C., W.-Y. Li, and J. Cao. 2011. In Search of Poetic Discourse of Classical Chinese Poetry: An imagery-based stylistic analysis of Liu Yong and Su Shi. Chinese Language and Discourse, pp. 232-249. John Benjamins Publishing Company.

6.Fang, A. C. and J. Cao. 2011. A Corpus-based Investigation of the Lexical Characteristics of Dialogue Acts. Presented at the American Association for Corpus Linguistics (AACL) 2011. Atlanta, U.S.A. 7-9 October 2011.

7.Fang, A.C., F. Le and J. Cao. 2012. A Comparative Corpus of China and British Englishes. In Studies of Language and Linguistics, No 2, Vol 32. pp 113-127.

8.Fang, A. C., J. Cao, X.-Y. Liu and H. Bunt. 2012. Lexical characteristics of dialogue acts in the Switchboard Corpus of telephone conversations. Foreign Language Teaching and Research, No. 44 (3): 346-358.

9.Fang, A.C., H. Bunt, J. Cao and X. Liu. 2012. Collaborative Annotation of Dialogue Acts: Application of a New ISO Standard to the Switchboard Corpus. In Proceedings of EACL 2012 Workshop on Innovative Hybrid Approaches to the Processing of Textual Data, 23 April 2012, Avignon, France.

10.Fang, A.C., J. Cao, H. Bunt and X. Liu. 2012. The Annotation of the Switchboard Corpus with the New ISO Standard for Dialogue Analysis. In Proceedings of the Eighth Joint ACL-ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation, 3-5 October 2012, Pisa.

11. Cao, J. & Fang, A. C. 2014.   Corpora and Translator Training: A case study of MTI students at ZUEL. Presented at International Conference on Translation Education. 16-17 August, 2014, Hong Kong. 

12. Cao, J. & Fang, A. C.  2018. Identifying the Linguistic Features of Research Paper Titles in Biomedicine: A Corpus-based Study. Presented at the 4th Corpus Linguistics in China Conference, 1-3 June, 2018, Wuhan. 

13. 曹竞、方称宇. 2020. 生物医药英语的动词体系实证探究,《外语电化教学》,4:32-39. 




《语料库语言学入门教程》 主编 北京:北京理工大学出版社, 201112



2004年全国CCTV杯英语演讲比赛指导教师奖,指导员工程佳圭荣获全国决赛四等 奖、优秀辩手奖

2005年担任第十二届亚洲大专辩论赛预赛评委 (由马来西亚的马来亚大学承办)


